Wednesday 29 March 2017

paper No 8:Cultural studies.

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M. A English
Roll No:11
Submitted to:Department of English
                        M.K.Bhavangar University
Paper no:8
Topic:Study of ‘To His Coy Mistress’

My assignment
What is cultural studies:
           Cultural study is a field of theoretically,and empirically engaged culture analysis that concentrates upon the political dynamics of contemporary culture,its historical foundations,defining traits,and conflicts.
           Cultural studies thus joins subjectivity that is ,culture in relation to individual lives with engagement,a direct approach to attacking social ills.Though cultural studies practitioners, deny “humanism” or “the humanities” as universal categories, they strive for what they might call “social reason”,which often resembles the goals and value of humanistic and democratic ideals.

Study of “To his coy mistress.                                                                                                                       This poem To his coy mistress is written by Andrew Marvell.Who also son of a clergy man .His most of the poem focasis more on “love and God”.This poem to his coy mistress is also about love and shyness of the beloved.
           Andrew Marvell ‘s in this poem tells the reader a good deal about the speaker of the poem,much of which is already clear comments in this volume,using traditional approches.we know that the speaker is knowledgeable about poem and convention of love poetry,such as the courtly love conventions of medieval Europe,and about Biblical passages.
          In this poem poet start with the coyness of beloved saying that if both the lover had enough time then beloved coyness was no crime but hence the beloved is so shy that her shyness is like a crime because they have very less left and if they had enough time they could think over how to pass their long loves day.Also in this paragraph use of traditional and culture type of writing like a man was center an historical reality ignore in them.Our culture very silence in reality,and Marvell showing the richness of the class in this poem.
              The speaker knows all of these things well enough to parody or at least to echo them,for in making his proposition to the coy lady,he hardly expects to be taken seriously in his detailing.He knows that he is echoing the conventions only in order to sati rise them and to make light of the real proposal at hand.He knows that she knows,for she comes from the same cultural milieu that he does.
             In other words,the speaker like Marvell is a highly educated person ,one who is well read,one whose natural flow of associated images moves lightly over details and allusion that reflect who he is and he expect his hearer or reader to respond in a kind of harmonic vibration.He thinks in terms of precious stones,of exotic and distant places,of a milieu where eating,drinking ,and making merry seem to be an achievable way of life.
               Beyond what we know of the speaker from his own words, we are justified in speculating that his coy lady is like the implied reader,equally well educated,and therefor knowledgeable of the conventions he uses in parody.He seems to assume that she understands the parodic nature of his comments, for by taking her in on the  jests he appeals to her intellect  thus trying to throw her off guard against his very physical requests. After all if the two of them can be on the same plane in their thoughts and allusions,their smiles and jests than perhaps they can shortly be together on a different and literal plane literally bedded.Thus might appear to be the culture and the era of the speaker,his lady and his implied reader.
                But what does he not show? As he selects these rich and multifarious allusion ,what does he ignore from his culture? He clearly does not think of poverty,the demographics and socioeconomic detail  which would show how fortunate his circumstances are.For example ,it has been estimated that during  this  at list one quarter of the European population was below the poverty line.Nor does the speaker think of disease as a daily reality that he might face.To  be sure ,in the second and especially in the third stanza he alludes to future death and dissolution .But wealth and leisure and sexual activity are his currency,his coin for present bliss.Worms and marble vaults and ashes are not present,hence not yet real.
            Now conciser historical reality ,a dimension that  the poem ignores. Consider dieseas –real and present disease what has been called the chronic morbidity or the population .Alknow that syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases were just as real a phenomenon in Marvell's day as in our era.What was the reality that  the speaker chooses not to think about as he pushes off death and  the ‘vault’ to some distant time?

“To his coy mistress”: A new historicism reading
          New historisicism is a literary theory based on the idea that literature should be studied and interpted within the context of both history of the auther and the history of the critic.
            The execution of charles I in 1649 was an unprecedented event in English history ,and, like the rest of the English nation , Marvell would have been actutely conscious of its political and spiritual implications. According to the contemporary doctrine of “divine right”, the monarch was appointed not by the people,but by the divine ordiance of his birthright,thus any trespass against the king was a sin against God.
             Yet 1649 proved the culture’s departure from unconditional monarchical loyalty and in the wake of the protestant reformation ,the English had a new sense of themselves as autonomous subject.
            Marvell,imdicatory of this ambivalent historical moment ,supported the ant-royalist Oliver Cromwell as England’s Lord Protector in the country’s interregnum government even serving as tutor to Cromwell’s family  yet also penned a sympathetic description of the executed king.While Marvell thrived with such judicious self posting,his speaker in “To his coy mistress”, both the subject of the poem and a type of English “subject”, rebels unequivocally against  the  monarch,suggested in lines 1-20 in the figure of the beloved herself.

I would
Love you ten year before the flood,
And you should ,if you please refuse
                         Till the conversion of the jews.
                         My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires and more slow.
          Describing this hypothetical scenario , the speaker employs “Petrarchan” language,excessive and hyperbolic reverence for an elusive woman made famous in the medieval sonnet of the Italian poet Petrarch.Maevell’s rhetorical choice is significant as it would have evoked for his reader the Lyrics of many sixteenth century poets who incorporated the genre in praise of Elizabeth .Yet ,beginning in line 21,Marvell’s speaker urges and presumes physical gratification rather than insatiate yearing. While marvell's monarch belived in his own omnipotence,this figure of the monarch,one evoking the last Tudor line before the absolutist  Stuart King ,James and charles,is denied this kind of power.Marvell’s speaker suggest that such promises of eternal devotion are inappropriate in a world that is governed by “times winged chariot,” the universal experience of human mortality to which they are both vulnerable.
         At the “turn” at line 21,the speaker turn his beloved from this immortal,ideal object of reverence to a possible co-conspirator against godlike “time”,which does hold the power of life and death .Forewarning his mistress of “time’s winged chariot,”he gives a crude description of her dead body in the grave:

The beauty shall no more  be found
Nor,in thy marble vault,shall sound
My echoing song then worms shall try
That long preserved virginity,
And your quaint honor turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust.

                  The speaker creates an image of chaos and disorder .Worms will violate his beloved and his “lust” will become “ashes”. Yet Marvell's intention is not simply to vilify the speaker’s aggressive disregard for social mores,his defiant ranting,the poem suggests ,is also that of a sympathetically powerless  subject. The speaker’s “vegetable love” .while lush and abundant can not aspire to become “vaster than empires”, his own future evades his control,as its only certainty is death.
             Despite his apparent sexual bravado with his “mistress” , the speaker demonstrates an acute consciousness of his own dismpowement throughout the poem. Ultimately ,he will enlist his beloved ‘s complicity with his rebellious cant:in the final stanza of the poem ,the speaker proposes a subversion overthrow of “Time” itself.
              The poem concludes with an ominous and thickly symbolic challenges to the “sun” itself a common pun for the “son” of the monarch in contemporary literature .Perhaps here Marvell is speaking directly of the “son” Charles 2 ,who became his father’s successor with the restoration of the monarchy in the speaker and his beloved provoke this celestial object,emblematic of the monarch’s ostensible divinity,”carpediem” becomes as much a cry of lustas one of insurrection.
             With this poem,Marvell portrays his subject as a dangerous “subject”, and in doing so evokes the discord of the political moment.Yet he also casts compassionately his speaker’s rallying challenges to all forms of authority one that perhaps anticipates Marvell’s own lyrics that critiqued the Restoration government.As a poet employed by Cromwell,Marvell was aware of his own position more broadly as a dependent “subject”. In a broader sense ,the poem in its systematic rejection of authority creates a possible outlet for Marvell’s own fantasy of autonomy .If Marvell was able to be a perennially loyal subject,”To his coy mistress” celebrates a more subversive figure who , despite being governed by the sun,has no qualms about exerting himself against this all powerful sovereign.

“The Flea” : This poem is a remarkable metaphysical poem of john Donne ,he makes use of a biological image of the flea for the expertion of the theme of love.The image of the flea to deal with the theme of love ,the poem is addresed by the lover to his beloved .The lover expresis love,purposise to her and she refuses it because of her sense of sin ,shame and maidenhood.In this poem also theme of love and beloved and shyness employed in the cultural studies and also it’s a metaphysical poem.

 Gujarati poem implied in cultural study:
              “Kuchi aapo baijee”
         Kuchi aapo baijee this poem is written by Vinod joshi . In this poem many things like kuchi aapo,bhitethi utravo,pachikda pakdavo ,this type of  many thing are use in this poem that is a personified our culture and tradition  and reality of  female life and after marriage girls life, how female face his trouble with his mother in low that is presented in this poem and after marriage one girl feeling how she was connected and tell his mother inlow that words are “Marag melo baijee tame kiya kuhade vedi mara dadani vadavai ji.” With this poem,Vinod joshi portrayal  for Indian culture.
            This poem not related with ‘To his coy mistress poem’ about shyness and love.But this poem full of showing Indian tradition and culture.
Study material

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