Sunday 26 March 2017

Paper No 6: The Victorian Literature

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M. A English
Roll No:11
Submitted to:Department of English
                        M.K.Bhavangar University
Paper no:6 The Victorian Literature
Topic:Poverty and social class in Oliver twist

My assignment’s
Poverty and social class in Oliver twist


          “Oliver Twist” this novel is written by Charles john huffam dickens.(February 1819 – June 1870) was an English writer and  social critic .He created some of the world’s best known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era .He edited a weekly journal for 20 years rote 15 novels,five novellas,hundreds of short stories and non fiction articles lectured,and performed extensively .Dickensian characters are amongst the most memorable in English literature ,especially so because of their typically whimsical names the like of Oliver Twist and other tiny teem like Fagin.”Oliver twist” this was second novel of Charles Dickens.It was initially published in monthly installment that began in February of 1837 and ended in April of 1839.In Oliver twist Dickens attackers the new poor law was really a series of measures that were enacted in 1834.Supposedly these laws were to provide aid and assistance to impoverished people .However the system had serious flaws and also Dickens used his novel to point out truths about Victorian England that polite society tries to ignore.

Poverty and Social class:
         Oliver Twist ,a poor ,innocent orphan boy ,stands out in this story as the main character but it is the supporting character that allow this novel of much content to develop a much more satisfying and believable theme.with “Good V.S Evil” as on of the major conflicts,in such categories are the secondary characters found as well .Three main auxiliary characters of oliverTwist aid the elaboration of the story , these significant characters are Mr. Brownlow representing purity ,integrity and goodness ,Nancy as partially righteous , partially villain and lastly on the other extreme of the scale:Fagin ,the symbol of evil, corruption and manipulation .Thought the story we are introduced to each-of their personalities, thoughts and action .With their differing levels of honestly and social status,each of them play a crucial role in the development of the story theme.
      Charles Dickens a wide array of Victorian children throat Oliver twist.Oliver as the figure of innocence ,led astray by corrupted adults and fellow orphans .Dickens certainly does not characterize all children as such ,but Oliver is portrayed as an extremely emotional character,he cries “Lustily” at birth and later on “weeps bitterly ” and than he “sobbed himself to sleep”.
       Society and class is one of the central issue of most of Dickens often show superficial class structure ,and theme of poverty is obviously related to them of society and class,it is showing social class system.
     The entire plot of Oliver twist revolves around the themes of poverty and social .Dickens based this novel on his experience and context ,typical life in Victorian times .the spectrum of social class is explored in this novel,there are characters from the poverty sector ,including members from the workhouse,Oliver ,Fagin,and the pickpockets,Bill and Nancy.Characters from low to high middle including shop keeper,policeman and judges and Mr Brownlowe.who is an upper class gentleman.The social classes however are all inter connected to each other in some aspect or other.The police are kept occupied with the over population of street urchins and thieves,the courts are overfilled the workhouse and the poverty class feed of the upper class by stealing from them.Despite the fact that Oliver discover he is a highly respected gentleman family by the end of the novel it can be assumed that he would never be fully freed from his past.That he is illegitimate .The poor man kept poor by the lack education literacy was common only the basic rudiments would have been taught in the workhouse.a world away in the upper class society young gentlemen would have been highly educated in the areas of law science ,philosophy the Greeks and Latin ,while the young ladies practiced their accomplishments.
              The poor in society were unmistakably poor they were a under privileged,pitiful class , deprived of independence,dignity , personal freedom ,due to a lack of finance whole families were reduced to a life of drudgery in the workhouse told when to wake , sleep , work , and eat.As a result of poor health care and lack of knowledge thousands of these young mothers died shortly after children at the mercy of of the workhouse .In Oliver twist this happen to Oliver and he is named by Mr Bumble,the head of the establishment.Oliver stands of for his human rights one day when he famously ask for more gruel.He is sent away and is given to a under taker who employs him.However Oliver shortly runs away from here due to being ill treated and goes to London to seek his fortune,where as the myth maintained the streets were paved in gold and silver.This myth in part was true as London streets were swarming with young children trained in the art of pick pocketing .In Oliver twist young Oliver is picked up by the artful dodger who befriends him and takes him home to his “family”.Fagin is the head , an employer and provider from a team of small boys.
             In this novel Oliver Twist .Dickens , certainly shows an English society  fraught with everyday dangers,much cruelty and a very distinct class divide .Oliver really belongs to the more genteel side of society but by a cruel twist of fate is left motherless and facing a terrible upbringing in an orphanage come work house.
           The children work long days doing strenuous and soul destroying work .Their recompense is barely enough to eat but a roof over their heads.Most of people will know the part of this book when a young Oliver draws the short straw and has to ask for ‘MORE’ gruel which is part of the children’s  staple diets.He is whisked of the work house decide that , despite his young age , Oliver has to be farmed out for work in society .There is no longer a place for him at the workhouse now that he is labelled a trouble causer .
             So young Oliver’s life starts it’s at times ,terrible journey which will eventually lead him to reconciliation with members of his family and much brighter future. However the path he has to travel is a hard one and we see bygone  England in all its rotten glory.Woman and children have few rights and are generally mistreated .The sub culture of the lower working class is portrayed as thieves who are usually dirty and have more than a fondness for alcohol Oliver does experience a little kindness ,notably by Nancy a woman of ill repute.
           The very purpose of the Dickens classic Oliver Twist is to explore poverty been a social status though that’s never more been the case than it was it was in Victorian England.Dickens wrote Oliver Twist by means of both exploring and considering this premise as well as in an attempt to entertain and enlightenment the general public.The story’s central character Oliver was the perfect vehicle to use in exploring the concept of poverty and social class because while at the same time coming across as appealing innocent and daresay even lovable to some.As the story progresses we find Oliver is joined by fellow social outcasts including the common thieves Fagin , Nancy and Bill sikes.
          Meanwhile Bill sikes manges to accidentally hang himself and Fagin winds up in new gate prison a waiting the death penalty.Mr Bumble manages to lose his job and on his knees where he used to be lord and master.Poverty is a prominent concern in Oliver twist .Throughout the novel,Dickens enlarges on this theme ,describing slums so decrepit that whole rows of houses are on the point of ruin ,In an early chapter , Oliver attends a pauper’s funeral with Mr. Sowerberry and sees a whole family crocoded together in one miserable room.
             Oliver owes his life several times over to kindness both large and small.The apparent plague of poverty that picken describes also conveyed to his middle class readers how much of the London population was stricken with poverty and disease nonetheless , in Oliver Twist he delivers a somewhat mixed message about social cast and social injustice.Oliver’s  illegitimate workhouse origins place him at the nadir of society ,as an orphan without friends , he is routinely despised.Noah claypole , a charity boy like Oliver , is idle ,stupid and cowardly , sikes is a thug, Fagin lives by corrupting children's and the artful Dodger seems born for a life of crime.
 WWW. Wikipedia .com

Study material.

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