Saturday 25 March 2017

Paper No 5 :The romantic literature

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M.A English
Roll No:11
Submitted to:Department of english
                        M.K.Bhavangar Univercity
Paper no:5  The Romantic Literature
Topic:Trace the similarity between Victor and Monster

My assignment  
              Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by English author Marry shally that tells the story of Victor Frainkainstine, a young scientist who creates a grotesque but sapient Creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition of the novel was published anonymously in London in 1818, when she was 20. Her name first appeared on the second edition, published in France in 1823.
                        Frankenstein is infused with elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement. At the same time, it is an early example of science fiction. Brian Aldiss has argued that it should be considered the first true science fiction story because, in contrast to previous stories with fantastical elements resembling those of later science fiction, the central character "makes a deliberate decision" and "turns to modern experiments in the laboratory" to achieve fantastic results. It has had a considerable influence in literature and popular culture and spawned a complete genre of horror stories, films and plays.

The  similarity between Victor and Monster:

                                                                                                               In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein and the monster that he creates are very similar. For example, Victor creates the monster to be like himself. Another similarity is that the anger of both Victor and the Monster is brought about by society. One more parallel between Victor and the monster is that they both became recluses. These traits that Victor and the monster possess show that they are very similar. 

                                                                                                                 One way that Victor and the monster are alike is that Victor creates the monster like himself. Victor does not plan to create the monster like himself, but the monster becomes very much like Victor. 
“God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance” .The monster does not resemble Victor physically; instead, they share the same personalities. For example, Victor and the monster are both loving beings. Both of them want to help others and want what is best for others. Victor and the monster try to help the people that surround them. Victor tries to console his family at their losses, and the monster assists the people living in the cottage by performing helpful tasks. However, Victor and the monster do not reflect loving people. The evil that evolves in Victor’s heart is also present in the monster. 

The evil that is present in Victor and the monster is another example of 
similarity between the characters. This evil in both characters is caused, although not directly with Victor, by society. The monster tries to be accepted by society. He shows kindness toward society and he tries to help people. However, he is immediately rejected by society because of his ugly physical appearance. The evil and the anger present in the monster comes when the monster presents himself as a friend to a family that he has secretly helped. Instead of accepting the monster as one of their own, the family immediately sees the ugly form of the monster and rejects him. 
           The similarities between the two tragic characters are driven by thaeir dreary isolation from the secluded world .Which refuses to accept thoes who are different in to society,by hatred and most importantly by the absence of motherly figures in both victor and the monster’s lives.As Victor had stated,”I seemed to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit.” As he describe that he lost all touch with the world due to his work ,perhaps even the old saying “like Father,like son” can inevitably describe the flawless regardless of even some of the slight differences of even some of the slight differences the two may portray,when comparing their experiences and human like action ,it is clear that their similarities are undoubtedly poven and reflected upon throughout the novel.
           The ironic isolation with the rest of the world that the two character undergo plays a major role in contributing to thaeir powerful comparision.Both figures  seems to strongly despise one onther yet strangely enough,they both also despise themselved for their wrong and disastrous action.The isolation began with victor’s decision to separate himself from the rest of society when he become enthralled with his scientific research and experiment .And the same feeling which made me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles absent and whom I had not seen for so long a time .As for the monster ,he detaches himself and becomes a frantic outsider when he realizes his appearance only drives those who he cares for most further away from him.However the monster’s isolation is based more on appearance rather than his decisions and work ,for his deformed structure and frightening face are his greatest agonies.

Victor and Monster relationship with nature:
             Nature is rampant in the narrative of Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein. It is, literally, everywhere. However, from the many conclusions that we can reach as to the need for it in the story, we can certainly agree that nature serves a protective, nurturing, and curative role in the life of Victor. This may be because after all, Victor has to reject humanity. He violated humanity by trying to act like God. Instead, he creates a monster. Moreover, he has also tampered with nature in such a way that, now, he has to go back to it, perhaps to redeem himself.
Victor has to reject humanity and favor something else to make his life make sense. He cannot count on people to bring him happiness, peace, or company because he knows that everyone around him is in danger of the monster. Victor's search for nature is basically an admittance that what he has done no longer allows him to be considered one with humanity any longer. We could argue that, what Victor does in creating the monster is so abhorrent, that his want to be almost godlike has taken away his humanity altogether. Therefore, in order to keep his sanity he must resort to nature, the world's playground, to try and find himself again.
               It is nature, and not the help of his friends or family, that keeps Victor from, literally, going insane. First, we find him looking for solace in nature after his brother, William, is killed by the beast and, by default, the kid's poor governess, Justine,  is acused and executed for the murder, unfairly. This is one of those instances where Victor will start breaking down, and he will look to nature for his cure.
           I remained two days at Lausanne, in this painful state of mind. I contemplated the lake: the waters were placid; all around was calm, and the snowy mountains, By degrees the calm and heavenly scene restored me.
Victor's mentality is so challenged by his actions, that not even Elizabeth, or his father, or Henry Clerval, can help him get better. Only nature seems to be able to do the trick
Observe how the clouds which sometimes obscure, and sometimes rise above the dome of Mont Blanc, render this scene of beauty still more interesting. Look also at the innumerable fish that are swimming in the clear waters, where we can distinguish every pebble that lies at the bottom.How happy and serene all nature appears
           In another example, we find a similar situation after the monster kills Elizabeth, and Victor is led to near madness. It is nature that he invokes to reach a less insane place in his heart:What became of me? I know not; I lost sensation, and chains and darkness were the only objects that pressed upon me. Sometimes, indeed, I dreamt that I wandered in flowery meadows and pleasant vales with the friends of my youth.
            Therefore, what this leads us to conclude is that Victor has lost his "spot" in the human race by trying to act like a god, giving life to inanimate matter. Moreover, in doing this, he has also tampered and disrespected nature. As a result of his experiment, he loses touch with the rest of the world, as everyone around him is in danger of the monster. Hence, the only thing Victor can really do is find himself in nature, which has been kind to him enough to heal him, and keep him sane. This may be a way for him to make peace with nature one more time, as if trying to redeem himself with it again.

        Enotes ,wikipidia

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