Wednesday 29 March 2017

paper No 8:Cultural studies.

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M. A English
Roll No:11
Submitted to:Department of English
                        M.K.Bhavangar University
Paper no:8
Topic:Study of ‘To His Coy Mistress’

My assignment
What is cultural studies:
           Cultural study is a field of theoretically,and empirically engaged culture analysis that concentrates upon the political dynamics of contemporary culture,its historical foundations,defining traits,and conflicts.
           Cultural studies thus joins subjectivity that is ,culture in relation to individual lives with engagement,a direct approach to attacking social ills.Though cultural studies practitioners, deny “humanism” or “the humanities” as universal categories, they strive for what they might call “social reason”,which often resembles the goals and value of humanistic and democratic ideals.

Study of “To his coy mistress.                                                                                                                       This poem To his coy mistress is written by Andrew Marvell.Who also son of a clergy man .His most of the poem focasis more on “love and God”.This poem to his coy mistress is also about love and shyness of the beloved.
           Andrew Marvell ‘s in this poem tells the reader a good deal about the speaker of the poem,much of which is already clear comments in this volume,using traditional approches.we know that the speaker is knowledgeable about poem and convention of love poetry,such as the courtly love conventions of medieval Europe,and about Biblical passages.
          In this poem poet start with the coyness of beloved saying that if both the lover had enough time then beloved coyness was no crime but hence the beloved is so shy that her shyness is like a crime because they have very less left and if they had enough time they could think over how to pass their long loves day.Also in this paragraph use of traditional and culture type of writing like a man was center an historical reality ignore in them.Our culture very silence in reality,and Marvell showing the richness of the class in this poem.
              The speaker knows all of these things well enough to parody or at least to echo them,for in making his proposition to the coy lady,he hardly expects to be taken seriously in his detailing.He knows that he is echoing the conventions only in order to sati rise them and to make light of the real proposal at hand.He knows that she knows,for she comes from the same cultural milieu that he does.
             In other words,the speaker like Marvell is a highly educated person ,one who is well read,one whose natural flow of associated images moves lightly over details and allusion that reflect who he is and he expect his hearer or reader to respond in a kind of harmonic vibration.He thinks in terms of precious stones,of exotic and distant places,of a milieu where eating,drinking ,and making merry seem to be an achievable way of life.
               Beyond what we know of the speaker from his own words, we are justified in speculating that his coy lady is like the implied reader,equally well educated,and therefor knowledgeable of the conventions he uses in parody.He seems to assume that she understands the parodic nature of his comments, for by taking her in on the  jests he appeals to her intellect  thus trying to throw her off guard against his very physical requests. After all if the two of them can be on the same plane in their thoughts and allusions,their smiles and jests than perhaps they can shortly be together on a different and literal plane literally bedded.Thus might appear to be the culture and the era of the speaker,his lady and his implied reader.
                But what does he not show? As he selects these rich and multifarious allusion ,what does he ignore from his culture? He clearly does not think of poverty,the demographics and socioeconomic detail  which would show how fortunate his circumstances are.For example ,it has been estimated that during  this  at list one quarter of the European population was below the poverty line.Nor does the speaker think of disease as a daily reality that he might face.To  be sure ,in the second and especially in the third stanza he alludes to future death and dissolution .But wealth and leisure and sexual activity are his currency,his coin for present bliss.Worms and marble vaults and ashes are not present,hence not yet real.
            Now conciser historical reality ,a dimension that  the poem ignores. Consider dieseas –real and present disease what has been called the chronic morbidity or the population .Alknow that syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases were just as real a phenomenon in Marvell's day as in our era.What was the reality that  the speaker chooses not to think about as he pushes off death and  the ‘vault’ to some distant time?

“To his coy mistress”: A new historicism reading
          New historisicism is a literary theory based on the idea that literature should be studied and interpted within the context of both history of the auther and the history of the critic.
            The execution of charles I in 1649 was an unprecedented event in English history ,and, like the rest of the English nation , Marvell would have been actutely conscious of its political and spiritual implications. According to the contemporary doctrine of “divine right”, the monarch was appointed not by the people,but by the divine ordiance of his birthright,thus any trespass against the king was a sin against God.
             Yet 1649 proved the culture’s departure from unconditional monarchical loyalty and in the wake of the protestant reformation ,the English had a new sense of themselves as autonomous subject.
            Marvell,imdicatory of this ambivalent historical moment ,supported the ant-royalist Oliver Cromwell as England’s Lord Protector in the country’s interregnum government even serving as tutor to Cromwell’s family  yet also penned a sympathetic description of the executed king.While Marvell thrived with such judicious self posting,his speaker in “To his coy mistress”, both the subject of the poem and a type of English “subject”, rebels unequivocally against  the  monarch,suggested in lines 1-20 in the figure of the beloved herself.

I would
Love you ten year before the flood,
And you should ,if you please refuse
                         Till the conversion of the jews.
                         My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires and more slow.
          Describing this hypothetical scenario , the speaker employs “Petrarchan” language,excessive and hyperbolic reverence for an elusive woman made famous in the medieval sonnet of the Italian poet Petrarch.Maevell’s rhetorical choice is significant as it would have evoked for his reader the Lyrics of many sixteenth century poets who incorporated the genre in praise of Elizabeth .Yet ,beginning in line 21,Marvell’s speaker urges and presumes physical gratification rather than insatiate yearing. While marvell's monarch belived in his own omnipotence,this figure of the monarch,one evoking the last Tudor line before the absolutist  Stuart King ,James and charles,is denied this kind of power.Marvell’s speaker suggest that such promises of eternal devotion are inappropriate in a world that is governed by “times winged chariot,” the universal experience of human mortality to which they are both vulnerable.
         At the “turn” at line 21,the speaker turn his beloved from this immortal,ideal object of reverence to a possible co-conspirator against godlike “time”,which does hold the power of life and death .Forewarning his mistress of “time’s winged chariot,”he gives a crude description of her dead body in the grave:

The beauty shall no more  be found
Nor,in thy marble vault,shall sound
My echoing song then worms shall try
That long preserved virginity,
And your quaint honor turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust.

                  The speaker creates an image of chaos and disorder .Worms will violate his beloved and his “lust” will become “ashes”. Yet Marvell's intention is not simply to vilify the speaker’s aggressive disregard for social mores,his defiant ranting,the poem suggests ,is also that of a sympathetically powerless  subject. The speaker’s “vegetable love” .while lush and abundant can not aspire to become “vaster than empires”, his own future evades his control,as its only certainty is death.
             Despite his apparent sexual bravado with his “mistress” , the speaker demonstrates an acute consciousness of his own dismpowement throughout the poem. Ultimately ,he will enlist his beloved ‘s complicity with his rebellious cant:in the final stanza of the poem ,the speaker proposes a subversion overthrow of “Time” itself.
              The poem concludes with an ominous and thickly symbolic challenges to the “sun” itself a common pun for the “son” of the monarch in contemporary literature .Perhaps here Marvell is speaking directly of the “son” Charles 2 ,who became his father’s successor with the restoration of the monarchy in the speaker and his beloved provoke this celestial object,emblematic of the monarch’s ostensible divinity,”carpediem” becomes as much a cry of lustas one of insurrection.
             With this poem,Marvell portrays his subject as a dangerous “subject”, and in doing so evokes the discord of the political moment.Yet he also casts compassionately his speaker’s rallying challenges to all forms of authority one that perhaps anticipates Marvell’s own lyrics that critiqued the Restoration government.As a poet employed by Cromwell,Marvell was aware of his own position more broadly as a dependent “subject”. In a broader sense ,the poem in its systematic rejection of authority creates a possible outlet for Marvell’s own fantasy of autonomy .If Marvell was able to be a perennially loyal subject,”To his coy mistress” celebrates a more subversive figure who , despite being governed by the sun,has no qualms about exerting himself against this all powerful sovereign.

“The Flea” : This poem is a remarkable metaphysical poem of john Donne ,he makes use of a biological image of the flea for the expertion of the theme of love.The image of the flea to deal with the theme of love ,the poem is addresed by the lover to his beloved .The lover expresis love,purposise to her and she refuses it because of her sense of sin ,shame and maidenhood.In this poem also theme of love and beloved and shyness employed in the cultural studies and also it’s a metaphysical poem.

 Gujarati poem implied in cultural study:
              “Kuchi aapo baijee”
         Kuchi aapo baijee this poem is written by Vinod joshi . In this poem many things like kuchi aapo,bhitethi utravo,pachikda pakdavo ,this type of  many thing are use in this poem that is a personified our culture and tradition  and reality of  female life and after marriage girls life, how female face his trouble with his mother in low that is presented in this poem and after marriage one girl feeling how she was connected and tell his mother inlow that words are “Marag melo baijee tame kiya kuhade vedi mara dadani vadavai ji.” With this poem,Vinod joshi portrayal  for Indian culture.
            This poem not related with ‘To his coy mistress poem’ about shyness and love.But this poem full of showing Indian tradition and culture.
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Sunday 26 March 2017

Paper No 7: Literary Theory and criticism 2 (The twentieth century western and Indian poetic)

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M.A English
Roll No:11
Submitted to:Department of english
                        M.K.Bhavangar Univercity
Paper no:8 Literary theory &criticism 2(The twentieth century                  western and Indian poetic)

Topic:What is Structuralism ? Gerard Genette contribution in structuralism.

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What is Structuralism:w
E        A method of analyzing phenomena ,as in anthropology ,linguistics,psychology,or literature,chiefly characterized by contrasting the elemental components of the phenomena in a system of binary opposition and examining how the elements are combined to make larger units.
            In sociology ,anthropology and linguistics,structuralism is the methodology that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger,overarching system or structure.It works to uncover all the things that humans do,think,perceive,and feel.

Gerard genette:
          Gerard Genette (born 1930) is a French literary theorist,associated in particular with the structuralism movement and such figures as Roland Barthes and Claude Levi-Strauss,from whom he adapted the concept of bricolage.
               He is largely responsible for the reintroduction of a rhetorical vocabulary into literary criticism ,for example such terms as trope and metonymy. Additionally his work on narrative ,best know in English through the selection Narrative Discourse:An Essay in Method,has been of importance.His major work is the figures series ,of which Narrative Discourse is a section.    
Gerard Genette contribution in structuralism:    
           Gerard Genette writes at the outset in his essay “Structuralism and Literary Criticism “  that methods developed for the study of one discipline could be satisfactorily applied to the study of other discipline as well.this is what he calls “intellectual bricolage”borrowing a term from Claude Levi-Strauss .This is precisely so,so far as structuralism is concerned .Structuralism is the name given to Saussure’s approch to language as a system of relationship. But it is applied also to the study of philosophy,literature and other sciences of humanity.    

           In genette’s words, “if the writer question the universe ,the critic questions literature that is to say ,the universe of signs.But what was a sign for the writer becomes meaning for the critic ,and in another way what was meaning for the writer becomes a sign for the critic,as the theme and symbol of a certain literary nature.”
Gerard  Genette concept of Narratology:     
                   This outline of Genette's Narretology is derived from Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method. This book forms part of his multi-volume work Figures I-III. The examples used in it are mainly drawn from Proust's epic In Search Of Lost Time. One criticism which had been used against previous forms of narratology was that they could deal only with simple stories, such as Vladimir propp's work in morphology of the Folk Tale. If narratology could cope with Proust, this could no longer be said.                                                                             
Below are the five main concepts used by Genette in Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method
1.  Order
2.  Frequency
3.  Duration
4.  Voice
5.  Mood
                Say a story is as follows: a murder occurs (event A); then the circumstances of the murder are revealed to a detective (event B), finally the murderer is caught (event C).
Arranged chronologically the events run A1, B2, C3. Arranged in the text they may run B1 (discovery), A2 (flashback), C3 (resolution).
This accounts for the 'obvious' effects the reader will recognise, such as flashback. It also deals with the structure of narratives on a more systematic basis, accounting for flash-forward, simultaneity, as well as possible, if rarely used effects. These disarrangements on the level of order are termed 'anachrony'.
                   The separation between an event and its narration allows several possibilities.
·                     An event can occur once and be narrated once
o                  'Today I went to the shop.'
·                     An event can occur n times and be narrated once . (valour of Macbeth, sleepless nights)
o                  'I used to go to the shop.'
·                     An event can occur once and be narrated in times (repetitive). (Tess’s molestation and its aftereffect)
o                  'Today I went to the shop' + 'Today he went to the shop' etc.
·                     An event can occur n times and be narrated n times .

               The separation between an event and its narration means that there is discource time and narrative time. These are the two main elements of duration.
·                     "Five years passed", has a lengthy discourse time, five years, but a short narrative time (it only took a second to read).
·                     James Joyce's novel Ulysses has a relatively short discourse time, twenty-four hours. Not many people, however, could read Ulysses in twenty-four hours. Thus it is safe to say it has a lengthy narrative time.

              Voice is concerned with who narrates, and from where. This can be split four ways .
Whare the narration is form
·       Intra –diegetic:inside the Collin’s The woman in white.
·       Extra-diegetic:outside the Hardy’s Tess of the D’ Urbervilles.
Is the narrator a character in the story.?
·       Hetero –diegetic:the narrator is not a character in the story .eg.Homer’s The Odyssey.
·       Homo-diegetic:the narrator is a character in the Bronte’s Wuthering Height.
               Genette said narrative mood is dependent on the 'distance' and 'perspective' of the narrator, and like music, narrative mood has predominant patterns. It is related to voice.
Distance of the narrator changes with narrated speech, transposed speech and reported speech.
Perspective of the narrator is called focalization. Narratives can be non-focalized, internally focalized or externally focalized.

The structuralist method of criticism:
        Literature ,being primarily a work of language ,and structuralism in its part,being preeminently a linguistic method,the most probable encounter should obviously take place on the terrain of linguistic material.Sound,forms,words and sentences constitute the common object of the linguistic and the philologist to much an extent that it was possible ,in the early Russian Formalist movement,to define literature as a mere dialect,and to envisage its study as an annex of general dialectology.
        Traditional criticism regards criticism as a message without code,Russian Formalism regards literature as code without message.Structuralism by structural analysis makes it possible to uncover the connection that exists between a system of forms and a system of meanings,by replasing the search for term by term analysis with one for over all homologies.
       Gerard believed that the structural study of ‘poetic language’ and of the forms of literary expression cannot reject the analysis of the relation between code message.The ambition of structuralism is not confined to confined to counting feet and to observe the repetition of phonemes :it must also study semantic phenomena which constitute the essence of poetic language.It is an this reference that Genette writes:”one of the newest and most fruitful study of the large unities of discource,beyond the framwork –which linguistics in the strict sense can not cross-of the sentence”.one would thus study systems from a much higher level of generality,such as narrative ,description and the other major forms of literary expression.There would be linguistics of discourse that was a translinguistics.

        Genette empathetically defines structuralism as a method is based on the study of structures wherever they occur.He further adds,”But to begins with ,structures are not directly encounterd objects-far from it,they are system of latent relations, conceived rather than perceived,which analysis constucts as it uncovers them ,and which it turns the risk of inventing while believing that it is discovering them” Furthermore,structuralism is not a method ,it is also what ernst cassirer calls a ‘general tendency of thought’or as others would say an ideology,the prejudice of which is precisely to vallue structures at the expense at the substances.
         Genette is of the view that any analysis that confines itself to a work without considering its sources or motives would be implicitly sturcturalist ,and the sturctural method ought to intervene in order to give this immanent study a sort of rationality of understanding that would replace the rationality of explanation abandoned with the search of causes.Unlike russian Formalist,structuralists like Genette gave importance to thematic study also .”Thematic analysis “,writer Genette ,”Would tend spontaneously to culminate and to be tested in a structural synthesis in which the different themes are grouped in networks,in order to extract their full meaning from their place and function in the system of the work” Thus,structuralism would appear to be a refuge for all immanent criticism against the danger of fragmentation that threatens thematic analysis.
          Genette believes that structural criticism is untainted by any of the transcendent reduction of phychoanalysis or marxist explanation.He further writes,”It exerts,in its own way ,a sort of internal reduction ,traversing the substance of the work in order its bone –structure: certainly not a superficial examination ,but a sort of radioscopic penetration,and all the more external in that it is more penetrating.”
          Genette observes relationship between structuralism and hermeneutics also writes: “thus the relation that binds structuralism and hermeneutics together might not be one mechanical separation and exclusion,but of complementarity:on the subjectof the same work,hermeneutic criticism might speak the language of the assumption of meaning and of internal recreation and structural criticism that of distant speech and intelligible reconstruction.” They would ,thus,bring out complementary significations, and their dialouge would be all the more fruitful.
             Thus to conclude we may say ,the structuralist idea is to follow literature in its overall evolution,while making synchronic cuts at various stages and comparing the tables one with another.Literary evolution then appears in all its richness,which derives from the fact that the system survives while constantly altering.In this sense literary history becomes the history of a system .It is the evolution of the functions that is significant,not that of the elements,and knowledge of the synchronic relation necessarily preceds that of the processes.
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Paper No 6: The Victorian Literature

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M. A English
Roll No:11
Submitted to:Department of English
                        M.K.Bhavangar University
Paper no:6 The Victorian Literature
Topic:Poverty and social class in Oliver twist

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Poverty and social class in Oliver twist


          “Oliver Twist” this novel is written by Charles john huffam dickens.(February 1819 – June 1870) was an English writer and  social critic .He created some of the world’s best known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era .He edited a weekly journal for 20 years rote 15 novels,five novellas,hundreds of short stories and non fiction articles lectured,and performed extensively .Dickensian characters are amongst the most memorable in English literature ,especially so because of their typically whimsical names the like of Oliver Twist and other tiny teem like Fagin.”Oliver twist” this was second novel of Charles Dickens.It was initially published in monthly installment that began in February of 1837 and ended in April of 1839.In Oliver twist Dickens attackers the new poor law was really a series of measures that were enacted in 1834.Supposedly these laws were to provide aid and assistance to impoverished people .However the system had serious flaws and also Dickens used his novel to point out truths about Victorian England that polite society tries to ignore.

Poverty and Social class:
         Oliver Twist ,a poor ,innocent orphan boy ,stands out in this story as the main character but it is the supporting character that allow this novel of much content to develop a much more satisfying and believable theme.with “Good V.S Evil” as on of the major conflicts,in such categories are the secondary characters found as well .Three main auxiliary characters of oliverTwist aid the elaboration of the story , these significant characters are Mr. Brownlow representing purity ,integrity and goodness ,Nancy as partially righteous , partially villain and lastly on the other extreme of the scale:Fagin ,the symbol of evil, corruption and manipulation .Thought the story we are introduced to each-of their personalities, thoughts and action .With their differing levels of honestly and social status,each of them play a crucial role in the development of the story theme.
      Charles Dickens a wide array of Victorian children throat Oliver twist.Oliver as the figure of innocence ,led astray by corrupted adults and fellow orphans .Dickens certainly does not characterize all children as such ,but Oliver is portrayed as an extremely emotional character,he cries “Lustily” at birth and later on “weeps bitterly ” and than he “sobbed himself to sleep”.
       Society and class is one of the central issue of most of Dickens often show superficial class structure ,and theme of poverty is obviously related to them of society and class,it is showing social class system.
     The entire plot of Oliver twist revolves around the themes of poverty and social .Dickens based this novel on his experience and context ,typical life in Victorian times .the spectrum of social class is explored in this novel,there are characters from the poverty sector ,including members from the workhouse,Oliver ,Fagin,and the pickpockets,Bill and Nancy.Characters from low to high middle including shop keeper,policeman and judges and Mr Brownlowe.who is an upper class gentleman.The social classes however are all inter connected to each other in some aspect or other.The police are kept occupied with the over population of street urchins and thieves,the courts are overfilled the workhouse and the poverty class feed of the upper class by stealing from them.Despite the fact that Oliver discover he is a highly respected gentleman family by the end of the novel it can be assumed that he would never be fully freed from his past.That he is illegitimate .The poor man kept poor by the lack education literacy was common only the basic rudiments would have been taught in the workhouse.a world away in the upper class society young gentlemen would have been highly educated in the areas of law science ,philosophy the Greeks and Latin ,while the young ladies practiced their accomplishments.
              The poor in society were unmistakably poor they were a under privileged,pitiful class , deprived of independence,dignity , personal freedom ,due to a lack of finance whole families were reduced to a life of drudgery in the workhouse told when to wake , sleep , work , and eat.As a result of poor health care and lack of knowledge thousands of these young mothers died shortly after children at the mercy of of the workhouse .In Oliver twist this happen to Oliver and he is named by Mr Bumble,the head of the establishment.Oliver stands of for his human rights one day when he famously ask for more gruel.He is sent away and is given to a under taker who employs him.However Oliver shortly runs away from here due to being ill treated and goes to London to seek his fortune,where as the myth maintained the streets were paved in gold and silver.This myth in part was true as London streets were swarming with young children trained in the art of pick pocketing .In Oliver twist young Oliver is picked up by the artful dodger who befriends him and takes him home to his “family”.Fagin is the head , an employer and provider from a team of small boys.
             In this novel Oliver Twist .Dickens , certainly shows an English society  fraught with everyday dangers,much cruelty and a very distinct class divide .Oliver really belongs to the more genteel side of society but by a cruel twist of fate is left motherless and facing a terrible upbringing in an orphanage come work house.
           The children work long days doing strenuous and soul destroying work .Their recompense is barely enough to eat but a roof over their heads.Most of people will know the part of this book when a young Oliver draws the short straw and has to ask for ‘MORE’ gruel which is part of the children’s  staple diets.He is whisked of the work house decide that , despite his young age , Oliver has to be farmed out for work in society .There is no longer a place for him at the workhouse now that he is labelled a trouble causer .
             So young Oliver’s life starts it’s at times ,terrible journey which will eventually lead him to reconciliation with members of his family and much brighter future. However the path he has to travel is a hard one and we see bygone  England in all its rotten glory.Woman and children have few rights and are generally mistreated .The sub culture of the lower working class is portrayed as thieves who are usually dirty and have more than a fondness for alcohol Oliver does experience a little kindness ,notably by Nancy a woman of ill repute.
           The very purpose of the Dickens classic Oliver Twist is to explore poverty been a social status though that’s never more been the case than it was it was in Victorian England.Dickens wrote Oliver Twist by means of both exploring and considering this premise as well as in an attempt to entertain and enlightenment the general public.The story’s central character Oliver was the perfect vehicle to use in exploring the concept of poverty and social class because while at the same time coming across as appealing innocent and daresay even lovable to some.As the story progresses we find Oliver is joined by fellow social outcasts including the common thieves Fagin , Nancy and Bill sikes.
          Meanwhile Bill sikes manges to accidentally hang himself and Fagin winds up in new gate prison a waiting the death penalty.Mr Bumble manages to lose his job and on his knees where he used to be lord and master.Poverty is a prominent concern in Oliver twist .Throughout the novel,Dickens enlarges on this theme ,describing slums so decrepit that whole rows of houses are on the point of ruin ,In an early chapter , Oliver attends a pauper’s funeral with Mr. Sowerberry and sees a whole family crocoded together in one miserable room.
             Oliver owes his life several times over to kindness both large and small.The apparent plague of poverty that picken describes also conveyed to his middle class readers how much of the London population was stricken with poverty and disease nonetheless , in Oliver Twist he delivers a somewhat mixed message about social cast and social injustice.Oliver’s  illegitimate workhouse origins place him at the nadir of society ,as an orphan without friends , he is routinely despised.Noah claypole , a charity boy like Oliver , is idle ,stupid and cowardly , sikes is a thug, Fagin lives by corrupting children's and the artful Dodger seems born for a life of crime.
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Saturday 25 March 2017

Paper No 5 :The romantic literature

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M.A English
Roll No:11
Submitted to:Department of english
                        M.K.Bhavangar Univercity
Paper no:5  The Romantic Literature
Topic:Trace the similarity between Victor and Monster

My assignment  
              Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by English author Marry shally that tells the story of Victor Frainkainstine, a young scientist who creates a grotesque but sapient Creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition of the novel was published anonymously in London in 1818, when she was 20. Her name first appeared on the second edition, published in France in 1823.
                        Frankenstein is infused with elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement. At the same time, it is an early example of science fiction. Brian Aldiss has argued that it should be considered the first true science fiction story because, in contrast to previous stories with fantastical elements resembling those of later science fiction, the central character "makes a deliberate decision" and "turns to modern experiments in the laboratory" to achieve fantastic results. It has had a considerable influence in literature and popular culture and spawned a complete genre of horror stories, films and plays.

The  similarity between Victor and Monster:

                                                                                                               In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein and the monster that he creates are very similar. For example, Victor creates the monster to be like himself. Another similarity is that the anger of both Victor and the Monster is brought about by society. One more parallel between Victor and the monster is that they both became recluses. These traits that Victor and the monster possess show that they are very similar. 

                                                                                                                 One way that Victor and the monster are alike is that Victor creates the monster like himself. Victor does not plan to create the monster like himself, but the monster becomes very much like Victor. 
“God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance” .The monster does not resemble Victor physically; instead, they share the same personalities. For example, Victor and the monster are both loving beings. Both of them want to help others and want what is best for others. Victor and the monster try to help the people that surround them. Victor tries to console his family at their losses, and the monster assists the people living in the cottage by performing helpful tasks. However, Victor and the monster do not reflect loving people. The evil that evolves in Victor’s heart is also present in the monster. 

The evil that is present in Victor and the monster is another example of 
similarity between the characters. This evil in both characters is caused, although not directly with Victor, by society. The monster tries to be accepted by society. He shows kindness toward society and he tries to help people. However, he is immediately rejected by society because of his ugly physical appearance. The evil and the anger present in the monster comes when the monster presents himself as a friend to a family that he has secretly helped. Instead of accepting the monster as one of their own, the family immediately sees the ugly form of the monster and rejects him. 
           The similarities between the two tragic characters are driven by thaeir dreary isolation from the secluded world .Which refuses to accept thoes who are different in to society,by hatred and most importantly by the absence of motherly figures in both victor and the monster’s lives.As Victor had stated,”I seemed to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit.” As he describe that he lost all touch with the world due to his work ,perhaps even the old saying “like Father,like son” can inevitably describe the flawless regardless of even some of the slight differences of even some of the slight differences the two may portray,when comparing their experiences and human like action ,it is clear that their similarities are undoubtedly poven and reflected upon throughout the novel.
           The ironic isolation with the rest of the world that the two character undergo plays a major role in contributing to thaeir powerful comparision.Both figures  seems to strongly despise one onther yet strangely enough,they both also despise themselved for their wrong and disastrous action.The isolation began with victor’s decision to separate himself from the rest of society when he become enthralled with his scientific research and experiment .And the same feeling which made me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles absent and whom I had not seen for so long a time .As for the monster ,he detaches himself and becomes a frantic outsider when he realizes his appearance only drives those who he cares for most further away from him.However the monster’s isolation is based more on appearance rather than his decisions and work ,for his deformed structure and frightening face are his greatest agonies.

Victor and Monster relationship with nature:
             Nature is rampant in the narrative of Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein. It is, literally, everywhere. However, from the many conclusions that we can reach as to the need for it in the story, we can certainly agree that nature serves a protective, nurturing, and curative role in the life of Victor. This may be because after all, Victor has to reject humanity. He violated humanity by trying to act like God. Instead, he creates a monster. Moreover, he has also tampered with nature in such a way that, now, he has to go back to it, perhaps to redeem himself.
Victor has to reject humanity and favor something else to make his life make sense. He cannot count on people to bring him happiness, peace, or company because he knows that everyone around him is in danger of the monster. Victor's search for nature is basically an admittance that what he has done no longer allows him to be considered one with humanity any longer. We could argue that, what Victor does in creating the monster is so abhorrent, that his want to be almost godlike has taken away his humanity altogether. Therefore, in order to keep his sanity he must resort to nature, the world's playground, to try and find himself again.
               It is nature, and not the help of his friends or family, that keeps Victor from, literally, going insane. First, we find him looking for solace in nature after his brother, William, is killed by the beast and, by default, the kid's poor governess, Justine,  is acused and executed for the murder, unfairly. This is one of those instances where Victor will start breaking down, and he will look to nature for his cure.
           I remained two days at Lausanne, in this painful state of mind. I contemplated the lake: the waters were placid; all around was calm, and the snowy mountains, By degrees the calm and heavenly scene restored me.
Victor's mentality is so challenged by his actions, that not even Elizabeth, or his father, or Henry Clerval, can help him get better. Only nature seems to be able to do the trick
Observe how the clouds which sometimes obscure, and sometimes rise above the dome of Mont Blanc, render this scene of beauty still more interesting. Look also at the innumerable fish that are swimming in the clear waters, where we can distinguish every pebble that lies at the bottom.How happy and serene all nature appears
           In another example, we find a similar situation after the monster kills Elizabeth, and Victor is led to near madness. It is nature that he invokes to reach a less insane place in his heart:What became of me? I know not; I lost sensation, and chains and darkness were the only objects that pressed upon me. Sometimes, indeed, I dreamt that I wandered in flowery meadows and pleasant vales with the friends of my youth.
            Therefore, what this leads us to conclude is that Victor has lost his "spot" in the human race by trying to act like a god, giving life to inanimate matter. Moreover, in doing this, he has also tampered and disrespected nature. As a result of his experiment, he loses touch with the rest of the world, as everyone around him is in danger of the monster. Hence, the only thing Victor can really do is find himself in nature, which has been kind to him enough to heal him, and keep him sane. This may be a way for him to make peace with nature one more time, as if trying to redeem himself with it again.

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