Monday 14 November 2016

paper no 4 Gandhian thought and its impact

Name:Mehta Kavita Dineshbhai
Course:M.A English
Roll  no:18
Submitted to:S.M.T  S.B Gardi
                          Department of English
Paper no:4 Indian writing in English
Topic:Background of Kanthapura
           Gandhian thought and its impact

My Assignment’s

                          “kanthapura”this novel was written by ‘Raja rao’ he was born on1908 in Hassan and rao studied of his degree at Nizam’s college at the osmanania university ,his work of his sensitive awareness of the forced let loose by the Gandhian Revolution as also of the thwarting or steadying pulls of past tradition. His four books up-to-date are the novels Kanthapura (1938),The serpent and the rope(1960),The cat and Shakespeare(1965)and The cow of the barricades(1947),a collection of short story.His first novel “Kanthapura ,Raja rao’s concerns have been social and political nature.But even the political theme of the rising of an Indian village against British domination and its initiation in to Gandhian ideals of non-violence,non-cooperation and self depence has been transmuted in to a spiritual experience in the novel.At the end of the novel material gains for kanthpurians are nil.But spiritually they are transformed totally and have become a bold ,politically conscious,spiritually strengthened,and freedom-loving people,and  the references of God ,the immorality of soul and the doctrine of incarnation which age derived from the Bhagavdgita signify the novelists fascination for vedanta.
·      Historical  and  political background:
             The actual historical and political situation of India in the 1930’s provides the background of the story that is narrated in kanthapura. The Indian national congress committee  was already a broadbased political organization that had spreed its branches in the length and and breath of India.Mahatma Gandhi,after his rerun from south Africa ,was already recognized as a leader of national stature who had launched his revolutionary campaigh based on Ahimsa and satyagraha against the British rule.There are recurring references in the novel to important political events of that time,such as the salt satyagraha,the Dandy march of mahatma Gandhi ,the civil disobedience movement,the round table conference ,and the Gandhi –Irwjinpact .Whatever was happening on the political scenein India in those years finds its due reflection in the novel .Characters like Moorthy ,Rangmma ,Ratna and Range gowda are not only aware of what is happening all over India ,but they also take an active part in the rebellion against the British rulers.They subscribe to newspapers,which are read in communal gatherings,and thus the villagers of kanthpura come to know about the great freedom struggle that was at its peak them in the length and breadth of the country .
                The enthusiasm of the people truly reflected actual mood of the nation.To defy the British symbol of oppression ,the villagers go out on  a protest march towards the skeffington coffee Estate to picket the country liquor shop (toddy shop) near it .The following passage ,quoted from the orient paperbacks edition of the surrounding areasnces.To the text will be from the same edition.
                      And we march on and on,winding up the karwar ,road to the kenchamma grove,and  at every step there are com-people and piffed rice and Bengal gram people and Bengal sellers and buttermilk people and betel-leaf people and they stop us and say ,”Take this take this,Mahatma’s men!”

                 There is an oblique reference to the round table conferences in London .When they say that the mahatma will go to the puedman’s country (England) to get them swaraj or self rule.
                The action off kanthpura dates back to the time when the Gandhian ideas fired the imagination of the Indian nation and paved the way for a non-violent revolution against the British rule .Whatever happens at kanthpura was happening everywhere in India .Bade khan is a typical police officer in the service of the British government.He strictly follow the order of his masters to suppress the popular  uprising in the villagers and trample them under their heavy boots .They do not let go of any opportunity to molest their women there is no exaggeration in Rja rao ‘s description of such happenings as thing were ,the same all over India during the freedom movement .To counter the police brutalities, Moorthy advise his followers freedom movement .To counter the police brutalities,Moorthy advises his followers to take recourse to passive resistance in response to a call from Gandhi,but it does not achieve the objective of putting the oppressors to shame .It is an unequal fight,and the main leadership of the movement against the red-man’s rule.K.R.Rao sums up the situation in these words.
      -Moorthy’s release renews the dedication and
                         enthusiasm of the community.The villagers launch on the ‘Don’t touch the government campaign’.Which is succeeded by the ‘no tax campaign’ and other forms of civil disobedience.But it proves an unequal fight and the satyagrahis are mercilessly put down ,and the satyagrahis are mercilessly put down ,and all ends in a terrible attains the valiant struggle attains the dimmensions of a heroic myth. Kanthapura is ‘destroyed,but not defeated.

·       Gandhian Thought and its Impact:
                  Mahatma Gandhi does not figure in kanthpura as a character ,but his invisible presence and the wide impact  of his thought is felt throughout the book .Gandhian philosophy is introduced in to the novel through moorthy,the main protagonist who comes under the influence of Gandhian at a  young age. Moorthy regards Gandhi as a role model and follows him in every way in word and deed .He preaches to the villagers the chief tenets Gandhian philosophy such as to practice ahinsa and speak the truth.He also persudes them to make cotton yarn on the spinning wheel and to wear cloth spun and woven by their own hands .British made foreign clothes are to be discarded and destroyed in bonfires. Moorthy tells him village followers that Gandhi ,says ‘spinning is as purifying as praing ‘ .This creates the image of Gandhi as a mahatma,a great soul and a deeply religious man whom they venerate and whose words they follow as the law .To them ,he is a mighty godly figure who emanates spiritual power that is going to overthrow the British rule in India
          The people of kanthpura and the adjoin areas exhorted in the name of the Mahatma not to drink toddy or liquor in any form.The toddy shop in the neighborhood are picked to prevent sale of liquor .Gandhi’s practice of singing bhajans(hymns) at his prayer meeting is generally appreciated.The people take out prabhat pheries (morning outing) getting up at dawn,gathering at the temple ,and going through the streets in the twilight ,singing religious which Gandhi’s image appears at that of a king of human origin.Here is an example: 
            Our king ,he was born on a wattle                                           mat
             He’s not the king of the velvet bed,
           He’s small and he’s round and he’s 
           bright and . He is sacred,
           O mahatma ,you are our king and we                  are your
And again:
          There’s one Government,sister,
       There’s one Government ,sister,
       And that’s the Government of the Mahatma.

                   The villager proudly declare that they are all for Gandhi;they are Gandhi’s men and will do anything at his command.On several occasions in the novel,thundering slogans are raised to the skies,’Vande Mataram!’ ‘,mahatma Gandhi ki jai!’and ‘Inquilab zindabad’! They invest Gandhi with super-human power but there is one thing about Gandhi’s teachings that the people of kanthpura do not understand .Why should he advise the upper cast Hindus to mingle with the lower caste pariahs to live with them,to eat with them ,and to intermarry with them .They find such behavior so in Mahatma like. some of them like Bhatta and venkamma repeateadly belittle moorthy in the eyes of the others for his ardent followers,that Gandhi want’s people to pluck out hatred from their heart and love even their enemies,Gowda replies,’That’s for the mahatma and you moorthspps-not for us poor folk!’The idea is that Gandhi and moorthy have attained such an ideal height where they can practice whatever they preach but the lesser people can not forget their simple enmities.
                   Gandhi believed in simple living ,and all his life tried to live the life of the ordinary people.But an impressive image of Gandhi's projected in kanthapura ,when he is spoken of in the same breath as some of the gods of the Hindu pantheon.Jayaramachar,the Harikatha man comes to kanthapura  and tells a new kind of tale in which he mingles Hindu Mythology with contemporary politics.He compares Gandhi to lord Siva when he says ,Siva is the three –eyed ,and swaraj too is three –eyed:self-purification ,Hindu –Muslim unity,khaddar.’Mohan going one of the names of Krishna,Gandhi hi’s full name, mohandas karamachand Gandhi gives jayaramachar the idea of paralleling his achievement to that of Krishna .Just as the God as a young boy slay the serpent Kali ,we are told that Gandhi goes from village to village slaying the serpent of foreign,and Gandhi teaches moorthy how to beatrive satyagrahi. The Gandhi myth is finally expressed in these term in kanthpura:

                         -They sat mahatma will go to the red man’s country and he will get us swaraj ,the mahatma .And we all be haooy .And Rama will come back from exit ,and sita will be with him ,for ravna will be slain and sita on his right in a chariot of air ,and brother bharatha will go to master on his head.And as they enter Ayodhya there will be a rain of flowers.
On the fair carts of kanthpura  ,the picture of Rama,Krishna,Sankara and Gandhi are placed side by side.
Summing up his view on kanthapura and Gandhian ,p.dayal writers in Raja rao:

               In material.

1 comment:

  1. Kavita,first of all you mack spelling mistake in your assignment title. You write Ganthian tought it is wrong, so please correct it and next time be careful.
