Monday 14 November 2016

Paper 2 Gulliver's four voyages

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Name:Mehta Kavita dineshbhai
Course:M.A English
Roll  no:18
Submitted to:S.M.T  S.B Gardi
           Department  of English
Paper no:2  The Noe Classical                           Literature
Topic:Background of the novel
           Gulliver’s  Four voyages

My Assignment’s
· Introduction:

                “Gulliver Travel” this novel wrote about “Johnathan Swift” ,he was born in 1667 city of Dublin .Swift is one of the best satirist ,he had a very dominant personality and as a resalt the satire quality of his life was an out come of the personal tragedy. He receive in M.A oxford university in 1692.His satiric novel “The battle of the book”.In 1702,swift was given the degree of Doctor of divinity from Trinity college,Dublin . The “Stella”of his famous journey to Stella. Swift published “A tale of tub”,and in 1726 he published “Gulliver travel”.A Book that was reprinted three times in the year of its publication ,with duch ,french and German translation appearing within a year.In 1731 he was wrote his own obituary verses on the death of Dr swift.He deid in 1745 on Gulliver's travel at wikisource.

· Beckground to the novel:

                   This  is the book which has given a lote of fame to Johnathan swift.But it was not literary motive rather it was a work against is on fate and the human soety at the super physical level it in adventure story but deep within a it is a wonderful satire politics and power it looks in to four voyages undertaken by Lemuel Gulliver.

                   This book appeared at time when scientific reason and rationality was the dominant intellectual context.The enlightenment sensibility was already visible,but also being challenged.This challenged came from writers such as Samuel Richardson.Travel and voyages to distant part of the world were broadening the Englishman's vision of the earth it self.The travelogue was a popular from of literatureduring this period,
and swift was using this form in his novel.

                  The discovery of new worlds was not restricted to the earth alone.The variety of humankind it self,with discoveries of their culture and countries from the renaissance period.The boundaries of humanity had to be pushed farther. Swift novel is built on the idea that different parts of the world may be different kind of people.Who might be following different custom traditions and even religions.In this novel terms of the political context.

                 The first book is about voyage in Lilliput where the inhabitants are only as tall as two three inches and all there activities are also sinominas to them physical height they coral on very small issue and throw that swift gives us and in saite in to the littleness of humanity during that time the style of writing is simple and convensing and there for it proverse to be a very intrasting work.Gulliver  travels was a very controversial work when it was first publish in the year 1726 infect it was not until almost ten year after its first printing.Gulliver travel was a very buiting satire and swift and shours that it is both humorous and critical contasty attach with him British and European society through his description of imaginary countrys. 

             It was a book about various voyages in total four of them.The first voyage was Lilliput second was Brobdingnag and thierd was laputa forth was houihnhnms.

· Gulliver’s four voyages:

·    First voyage to “Lilliput”:
(4 may 1699)

          Mural depicting Gulliver surrounded by citizens of Lilliput.
The book begins with a short preamble in which “Lemuel Gulliver” in the literary style of the time,gives a brief out line of his life and history before his voyages.

          During his first voyage,Gulliver is wached a shore after a shipwreck and find himself a prisoner of a race of tiny people,less than 6 inches(15 cm) tall, whore inhabitants of the island country of Lilliput .After giving assurances of his good behavior ,he is given a residence in Lilliput and becomes a favorite of the court.From there the book follows Gulliver’s observations on the court of Lilliput. He is also given permission to go around the city on condition that he must not harm their subjects.Gulliver assists the Lilliputians to subdue their neighbors,the blefuscudiansby stealing their fleet.However,he refuses to reduce the island nation of blefuscu to a province of Lilliput ,displeasing the king and thecourt.Gulliver is charged with treason for,among other crimes,”Making water”in the capital, though he was putting out a fire and saving countenced to be blinded,but with the assistance of king friend,he escapes to blefuscu.Here he spots and retrieves to be rescued by a passing ship which safely takes him back home.

·    Second voyage to Brobdingnag:
      (20 June 1702 – 3 June 1706)


                    Gulliver exhibited to the brobdingnag  farmer.Being restless he soon sets out again.When the sailing ship adventure is blow off course by storms and forced to sail for land in  search of fresh water,Gulliver is abandoned by his companious and found by a farmer who is 72 feet (22m) tall:the scale of brobdingnag is about 12:1 ,compared to Lilliput's 1:12 ,judging from Gulliver estimating a man’s step being 10 year (gm) .He brings Gulliver home and his daughter,Glumdalclitch,care for Gulliver.The farmer treats him as a curiosity and exhibits him for money.After a while  the constannt show make Lemuel sick,and the farmer sell him to the queen of the realm.The farmer’s daughter (who accompanied her father’s while exhibiting  Gulliver) is taken in to the queen’s service to take care of the tiny man. Since Gulliver is too small to use their huge chairs, beds knives and forkas , the queen commissions a small house to be built for him so that he can be carried around in it , this is referred to as his “travelling box”. Between small adventures  such as fighting giant was PS and being carried to the roof by a monkey, he discusses the state of Europe with the king. The king is not happy with Gulliver’s accounts of Europe, especially upon learning of the use of guns and cannons . on a trip to the seaside, his travelling box is seized by a giant eagle which drops Gulliver and his box in to the sea, where he is picked  up by some sailors, who return him to England.

·    Third voyage to laputa:
Balnibarbi,luggnagg. Glubbdubdrib and japan.

(5 August 1706 -16 April 1710)


         Gulliver discovery laputa ,the flying island.
         Setting out again Gulliver’s ship is attacked by pirates and he is marooned close to a desolate rocky island near India. He is rescued by the flying island of laputa a kingdom devoted to the arts of music,mathematics and astronomy but unable to use them for practical ends.
         Laputa’s custom of throwing rocks down at rebellious cities on the ground prefigures air strikes as a method of war far.Gulliver tours Balnibarbi,kingdom ruled from laputa,as the guest of a low ranking courtier and sees the ruin brought about by the blind pursuit of science without practical result,in a satire on bureaucracy and on the royal society and its experiments.At the ground academy of lagado,great resources and man power are employed on researching completely preposterous schemes such extracting sunbeams from cucumbers,softening marble for use in pillows,learning how to mix paint by smell,and uncovering political conspiracies by examining the excrement of suspicious persons.

          Gulliver is then taken to maldonada,the main port to await a trader who can take him on to japan.While waiting for a passage ,Gulliver takes a short side trip to the island of Glubbdubdrib.Where he visite a magician’s dwelling and discuses history with the ghosts of historical figure,the most obvious restatement of the “Ancients versus moderns”them in the book.In Luggnagg he encounters the strudbrugs,people who are immoral. They do not have the gift of eternal youth,but supper the infirmities of old age and are considered legally dead at the age of eighty .After reaching japan ,Gulliver asks the emperor “to excuse my performing the ceremony imposed upon the crucifix”, which the emperordoes Gulliver returns home,determined to stay there for the rest of his days.

·    Forth voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnm:

(7 September 1710- 5 December 1715)

                Despite his earlier intention of remaining at home, Gulliver returns to see as the captain of a merchantman,as he is bored with his employment as a surgeon .On this voyage he is forced to find new addition to his crew whom he believes to have turned the rest of crew against him.His crew then commits mutiny,and after keeping him contained for some time resolve to leave him on the first piece of land ,they come across and continue as pirates .He is abandoned in a landing boat and comes upon a race of hideous,deformed and savage humanoid creatures to which he conceives a violent antipathy,shortly after wards he meets the Houyhnhnm, a race of taking horses.They are the ruler,while the deformed creatures called yahoos are human being in their base from.

         Gulliver becomes a member of a horse’s household ,and comes to both admire and emulate the Houyhnhnm and their life style ,rejecting his fellow humans as merely Yahoos endowed with some semblance of reason which ,they only use to exacerbate ans add to the vices nature gave them.However,an assembly of the Houyhnhnm rules that Gulliver,a yahoo with some sembalance of reason,is a danger to their civilisation and expels him.He is them rescued ,against his will by a portuguese ship and is disgusted to see that captain pedro de mendez a yahhoo is a wise ,courteous and generous person. He return to his recomcile him self to living among “Yahoos” and becomes a recluse,remaining in his house ,largely avoiding his family and his wife and spending several house a day speaking with the horses in his stables,in effect becoming insance.

Reference:Google Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. Your topic is .'Background of the novel Gulliver's fourth voyage. But you elaborate all the voyages. If your topic is fourth voyage,you can through more light on fourth voyage. You put images is really good.
