Monday 14 November 2016

Paper 2 Gulliver's four voyages

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Name:Mehta Kavita dineshbhai
Course:M.A English
Roll  no:18
Submitted to:S.M.T  S.B Gardi
           Department  of English
Paper no:2  The Noe Classical                           Literature
Topic:Background of the novel
           Gulliver’s  Four voyages

My Assignment’s
· Introduction:

                “Gulliver Travel” this novel wrote about “Johnathan Swift” ,he was born in 1667 city of Dublin .Swift is one of the best satirist ,he had a very dominant personality and as a resalt the satire quality of his life was an out come of the personal tragedy. He receive in M.A oxford university in 1692.His satiric novel “The battle of the book”.In 1702,swift was given the degree of Doctor of divinity from Trinity college,Dublin . The “Stella”of his famous journey to Stella. Swift published “A tale of tub”,and in 1726 he published “Gulliver travel”.A Book that was reprinted three times in the year of its publication ,with duch ,french and German translation appearing within a year.In 1731 he was wrote his own obituary verses on the death of Dr swift.He deid in 1745 on Gulliver's travel at wikisource.

· Beckground to the novel:

                   This  is the book which has given a lote of fame to Johnathan swift.But it was not literary motive rather it was a work against is on fate and the human soety at the super physical level it in adventure story but deep within a it is a wonderful satire politics and power it looks in to four voyages undertaken by Lemuel Gulliver.

                   This book appeared at time when scientific reason and rationality was the dominant intellectual context.The enlightenment sensibility was already visible,but also being challenged.This challenged came from writers such as Samuel Richardson.Travel and voyages to distant part of the world were broadening the Englishman's vision of the earth it self.The travelogue was a popular from of literatureduring this period,
and swift was using this form in his novel.

                  The discovery of new worlds was not restricted to the earth alone.The variety of humankind it self,with discoveries of their culture and countries from the renaissance period.The boundaries of humanity had to be pushed farther. Swift novel is built on the idea that different parts of the world may be different kind of people.Who might be following different custom traditions and even religions.In this novel terms of the political context.

                 The first book is about voyage in Lilliput where the inhabitants are only as tall as two three inches and all there activities are also sinominas to them physical height they coral on very small issue and throw that swift gives us and in saite in to the littleness of humanity during that time the style of writing is simple and convensing and there for it proverse to be a very intrasting work.Gulliver  travels was a very controversial work when it was first publish in the year 1726 infect it was not until almost ten year after its first printing.Gulliver travel was a very buiting satire and swift and shours that it is both humorous and critical contasty attach with him British and European society through his description of imaginary countrys. 

             It was a book about various voyages in total four of them.The first voyage was Lilliput second was Brobdingnag and thierd was laputa forth was houihnhnms.

· Gulliver’s four voyages:

·    First voyage to “Lilliput”:
(4 may 1699)

          Mural depicting Gulliver surrounded by citizens of Lilliput.
The book begins with a short preamble in which “Lemuel Gulliver” in the literary style of the time,gives a brief out line of his life and history before his voyages.

          During his first voyage,Gulliver is wached a shore after a shipwreck and find himself a prisoner of a race of tiny people,less than 6 inches(15 cm) tall, whore inhabitants of the island country of Lilliput .After giving assurances of his good behavior ,he is given a residence in Lilliput and becomes a favorite of the court.From there the book follows Gulliver’s observations on the court of Lilliput. He is also given permission to go around the city on condition that he must not harm their subjects.Gulliver assists the Lilliputians to subdue their neighbors,the blefuscudiansby stealing their fleet.However,he refuses to reduce the island nation of blefuscu to a province of Lilliput ,displeasing the king and thecourt.Gulliver is charged with treason for,among other crimes,”Making water”in the capital, though he was putting out a fire and saving countenced to be blinded,but with the assistance of king friend,he escapes to blefuscu.Here he spots and retrieves to be rescued by a passing ship which safely takes him back home.

·    Second voyage to Brobdingnag:
      (20 June 1702 – 3 June 1706)


                    Gulliver exhibited to the brobdingnag  farmer.Being restless he soon sets out again.When the sailing ship adventure is blow off course by storms and forced to sail for land in  search of fresh water,Gulliver is abandoned by his companious and found by a farmer who is 72 feet (22m) tall:the scale of brobdingnag is about 12:1 ,compared to Lilliput's 1:12 ,judging from Gulliver estimating a man’s step being 10 year (gm) .He brings Gulliver home and his daughter,Glumdalclitch,care for Gulliver.The farmer treats him as a curiosity and exhibits him for money.After a while  the constannt show make Lemuel sick,and the farmer sell him to the queen of the realm.The farmer’s daughter (who accompanied her father’s while exhibiting  Gulliver) is taken in to the queen’s service to take care of the tiny man. Since Gulliver is too small to use their huge chairs, beds knives and forkas , the queen commissions a small house to be built for him so that he can be carried around in it , this is referred to as his “travelling box”. Between small adventures  such as fighting giant was PS and being carried to the roof by a monkey, he discusses the state of Europe with the king. The king is not happy with Gulliver’s accounts of Europe, especially upon learning of the use of guns and cannons . on a trip to the seaside, his travelling box is seized by a giant eagle which drops Gulliver and his box in to the sea, where he is picked  up by some sailors, who return him to England.

·    Third voyage to laputa:
Balnibarbi,luggnagg. Glubbdubdrib and japan.

(5 August 1706 -16 April 1710)


         Gulliver discovery laputa ,the flying island.
         Setting out again Gulliver’s ship is attacked by pirates and he is marooned close to a desolate rocky island near India. He is rescued by the flying island of laputa a kingdom devoted to the arts of music,mathematics and astronomy but unable to use them for practical ends.
         Laputa’s custom of throwing rocks down at rebellious cities on the ground prefigures air strikes as a method of war far.Gulliver tours Balnibarbi,kingdom ruled from laputa,as the guest of a low ranking courtier and sees the ruin brought about by the blind pursuit of science without practical result,in a satire on bureaucracy and on the royal society and its experiments.At the ground academy of lagado,great resources and man power are employed on researching completely preposterous schemes such extracting sunbeams from cucumbers,softening marble for use in pillows,learning how to mix paint by smell,and uncovering political conspiracies by examining the excrement of suspicious persons.

          Gulliver is then taken to maldonada,the main port to await a trader who can take him on to japan.While waiting for a passage ,Gulliver takes a short side trip to the island of Glubbdubdrib.Where he visite a magician’s dwelling and discuses history with the ghosts of historical figure,the most obvious restatement of the “Ancients versus moderns”them in the book.In Luggnagg he encounters the strudbrugs,people who are immoral. They do not have the gift of eternal youth,but supper the infirmities of old age and are considered legally dead at the age of eighty .After reaching japan ,Gulliver asks the emperor “to excuse my performing the ceremony imposed upon the crucifix”, which the emperordoes Gulliver returns home,determined to stay there for the rest of his days.

·    Forth voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnm:

(7 September 1710- 5 December 1715)

                Despite his earlier intention of remaining at home, Gulliver returns to see as the captain of a merchantman,as he is bored with his employment as a surgeon .On this voyage he is forced to find new addition to his crew whom he believes to have turned the rest of crew against him.His crew then commits mutiny,and after keeping him contained for some time resolve to leave him on the first piece of land ,they come across and continue as pirates .He is abandoned in a landing boat and comes upon a race of hideous,deformed and savage humanoid creatures to which he conceives a violent antipathy,shortly after wards he meets the Houyhnhnm, a race of taking horses.They are the ruler,while the deformed creatures called yahoos are human being in their base from.

         Gulliver becomes a member of a horse’s household ,and comes to both admire and emulate the Houyhnhnm and their life style ,rejecting his fellow humans as merely Yahoos endowed with some semblance of reason which ,they only use to exacerbate ans add to the vices nature gave them.However,an assembly of the Houyhnhnm rules that Gulliver,a yahoo with some sembalance of reason,is a danger to their civilisation and expels him.He is them rescued ,against his will by a portuguese ship and is disgusted to see that captain pedro de mendez a yahhoo is a wise ,courteous and generous person. He return to his recomcile him self to living among “Yahoos” and becomes a recluse,remaining in his house ,largely avoiding his family and his wife and spending several house a day speaking with the horses in his stables,in effect becoming insance.

Reference:Google Wikipedia

Paper no:3 plato objection to poetry and aristotle answer

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M.A English
 Roll  no:18
Submitted  to:S.M.T  S.B Gardi
                         Department of English
                        Mk bhav university
Paper no:3 Literary Theory & criticism
Topic:Plato’s objection to poetry and Aristotle’s answer.

My Assignment’s
       Plato’s objection to poetry :
                       Plato was the first systemic critic who inquired in to the nature of imaginative literature and put forward theories which are both illuminating and provocative .He was him self a great poet and his dialogues are full of his gifted dramatic quality.his dialogues are the classic of the world literature having dramatic,lyrical and fictional elements.
                                  Plato’s theory of mimesis : all arts are imitative or mimetic in nature .He wrote in  The Republic that ‘Ideas are the ultimate reality’.Things are conceived as idea before they take practical,idea is original and these things is copy of that idea.Carpenter’s chair is the result of the idea of chair in his mind.Thus chair is once removed from reality .But painter’s chair is imitation of carpenter’s chair.So it is twise removed  from reality .
                              Plato the philosopher:as a moralist Plato disapproves of poetry because it is immoral.As a philosopher he disapproves of it because it is hased in flashehood. Truth is philosophy that is more important.
                           Plato’s three main objections to poetry are that poetry is not ethical,philosophical and pragmatic  and other words,he objected to poetry from the point of view of Education,from Philosophical point of view and from Moral point of view.
                         Plato then makes a challenge to poet to defend themselves against his criticisms.Ironically it was plato’s most famous student,Aristotle,who was the first theorist to defend literature and poetry in his writing poetics. Plato felt that poetry,like all form of art,appeals to the inferior part of the soul,irrational,emotional cowardly part.plato,an appreciation of poetry is incompatible  an appreciation of reason,justice ,and the search for truth.In Ion he suggest that poetry causes needless lamentation and ecstasies at the imaginary eventf sorrow and happiness.To him drama is the most dangerous form of literature because the auther is imitating things that he/she does not understand .Plato seemingly feels that no words are strong enough to condemn drama.Plato felt that all the word’s evils derived from one source:a faulty understanding of reality.Miscommunication confusion and ignorance were facets of a corrupted comprehension of what Plato always strived for truth.Plato is above all a moralist.His primary objective in the republic is to come up with the most righteous,intelligent way to live one’s life and to convince others to live this way .Every thing else should conform in order to achieve this perfect state.plato considers poetry useful only as a means of achiving this state,that is,only useful if it helps one to become a better person,and if it does not ,it should be expelled from the community.Plato’s quation in book 5 is the intellectual status of literature .He states that ,the good poet cannot compose well unless he knows his subject,and he who does not have this knowledge can never be a poet .Plato says of imitative  poetry and homer,a man is not to be reverenced more than the truth.
                        Plato’s commentary on poetry in republic is overwhelmingly negative.In books 2 and 3 Plato's main concern about poetry is that children’s minds are too impressionable to be reading false tales and misrepresentation of the truth.As stated in book 2 ,for a young person can not judge what is allegorical and what is literal;anything that he receives into his mind at that age is likely to become indelible and undelible and unalterable;and therefor it is most important that the  tales which the young first hear should be model of virtuous thought.He is essentially saying that children cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality and this compromises their ability to discernright from wrong.Thus,children should not be exposed to poetry so that later in life they will be able to seek the truth without having a preconceived,or misrepresented,view of reality.Plato reasons that literature that portrays the gods as behaving in immoral ways should be kept away from children ,so that they will not be influenced to act the same way.
                     Another objection is that it is often viewed as portraying either Male dominance or female exploitation.People argue that this should not be the way the word works;therefore it is not the truth.These claims sound much like the claims that Plato is trying to make when he asserts that certain poetry should be kept out of the hands of children.While the power of censorship can be abused ,Plato seemed to believe that his stance is justified because he is trying to make children grow to be good ,moral individuals.While Plato has some very negative view on the value of literature ,he also ststes the procedures that he feels are necessary in order to change poetry and literature from something negative to something positive.He does feel that some literature can have redeeming values.Good ,truthful literature can educate instead of corrupting children .In the city plato would allow only hymns to the gods and praised to famous men.Plato does not want literature to corrupt mind he wants it to display images of beauty and grace .Plato’s view may be deemed narrow minded by today’s society,but one must remember that Plato lived over 2000 year ago.He probably wrote republic with the best intention for the people of his time.While his views on censorship and poetry may even seem outlandish today,Plato's goal was to state what he judge to be the guidelines for a better human existence.

1) Plato’s objection to poetry from the point of view of Education:
a)In ‘The republic’book 2- He condemns poetry as fostering evil habits and vices in children. Homer's epics were not example of should or ideal morality.They were lusty,cunning ,and cruel-war mongers.Even Gods were no batter.
b).Plato writes: “if we means our future guardians to regard the habit of quarreling among themselves as of all things the basest,no word should be said to them of the wars in the heaven,or of the plots and fighting of the gods against one another,for they are not true…if they would only believe as we would tell them that quarreling is unholy,and that never up to this time has there been any quarreling  between citizens…these tales must not be admitted into our state,whether they are supposed to have allegorical meaning or not”.
c).Thus he objected on the ground that poetry does not cultivate good habits among children.
2)Objection from philosophical point of view:
a).In ‘The Republic’ Book 5:poetry does not lead to,but drives us away from the realization of the ultimate reality –the truth.
b).Philosophy is better than poetry because philosophy deals with idea and poetry is twise removed from originl idea.
c).Plato says : “The imitator or maker of the knows nothing of true existence;he knows appearance only …The imitative art is an inferior who marries an inferior and has inferior offspring.”
3)Objection form the moral point of view:
a).In the same book in ‘The Republic’:Soul of man has higher principles of reason as well as lower constituted of baser impulses and emotions.Whatever encourages and strengthens the rational principle is good,and emotional is is bad.
b).Poetry waters and nourishes the baser impulses of men-emotional, sentimental and  sorrowful.
c).Plato says : “Then the imitative poet who aims at being at being popular is not by nature made,nor is his art intended,to pleaseor to affect the rational principle in the soul ;but he will prefer the passionate and fitful temper,which is easily limited…And there for we shall be right in refusing to admit him into a well order state ,because he awakens and waters the passion instead of drying them up;she lets then rule,although they ought to be controlled,if mankind are ever to increase in happiness and virtue.”
 These are Plato's principal charges on poetry and objection to it .Before we pass on any judgment ,we should not forget to keep in view the time in which he lived .During his time:
·      Political instability.
·      Education was in sorry state.Homer was part of studies-misrepresented.
·      Woman were regarded inferior-slavery
·      Best time of Greek literature was over –corruption and degeneration in literature.
·      Confusion prevailed in all spear of life-intellect,moral,political and education.
·       Example;philosophers and thinkers like socrates were imprisoned,forces to drink wine/poison and kill him.

     Aristotle replied to them one by one in his defense of poetry:

1)Plato says that art being the imitation of the actual is removed from truth.It only gives the likeness of a thing in concret,and the likeness is always less than real.Bit Plato fails to understand that art also give something more which is absent in the actual.The artist does not simply reflect the real in the manner of a mirror.Art is not slavish imitation of reality.Literature is not the photographic reproduction of life in all its totality.It is the representetion of selected events and characters necessary of a coherent action for the realization of artist’s purpose.He even exalts,idealizes and imaginativaly recreates a world which has its own meaning and and beauty.These elements,present in art,are absent in the raw and rough real.While a poet creates something less than reality he at the same times creates something more as well. He puts an idea of the reality which he perceives in an object. This ‘more’, this intuition and perception, is the aim of the artist. Artistic creation cannot be fairly criticized on the ground that it is not the creation in concrete terms of things and beings. Thus considered, it does not take us away from the Truth but leads us to the essential reality of life.
2)Plato again says that art is bad because it does not inspire virtue,does not teach morality.But it is teaching the function of the art?Is it the aim of the artist?The function of art is to provide aesthetic delight ,communicates experience,express emption  and present life .It should never be confused with the function of ethics which is simply to teach morality.If an artist succeeds in pleasing us in aesthetic sense,he is a good artist.If he fails in doing so,he is a bad artist.There is no other criterion to judge his worth.Plato’s charge that needless lamentation and ecstasies at the imaginary events of sorrow and happiness encourages weaker part of soul and numbs faculty of reason .The charge is defended by Aristotle in his Theory of  catharsis .David Daiches summarizes Aristotle’s views in reply to Plato's charges in brief: “Tragedy (Art) gives new knowledge ,yield aesthetic satisfaction and produces a better state of mind.”
3)Plato judge poetry now from the educational standpoint ,now form the philosophical one and then from the ethical one.But he does not care to consider it form its own unique standpoint .He does not define its aims .He forgets that everything should be judged in terms of its own aims and objective its own criteria of merit.We cannot fairly maintain that music is bad because it does not  sing .Similarly ,we cannot say that poetry is bad because it does not teach philosophy of ethics.If poetry ,philosophy and ethics had identical function,how could they be different subjects?To denounce poetry because it is not philosophy of ideal is clearly absurd.
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paper no 4 Gandhian thought and its impact

Name:Mehta Kavita Dineshbhai
Course:M.A English
Roll  no:18
Submitted to:S.M.T  S.B Gardi
                          Department of English
Paper no:4 Indian writing in English
Topic:Background of Kanthapura
           Gandhian thought and its impact

My Assignment’s

                          “kanthapura”this novel was written by ‘Raja rao’ he was born on1908 in Hassan and rao studied of his degree at Nizam’s college at the osmanania university ,his work of his sensitive awareness of the forced let loose by the Gandhian Revolution as also of the thwarting or steadying pulls of past tradition. His four books up-to-date are the novels Kanthapura (1938),The serpent and the rope(1960),The cat and Shakespeare(1965)and The cow of the barricades(1947),a collection of short story.His first novel “Kanthapura ,Raja rao’s concerns have been social and political nature.But even the political theme of the rising of an Indian village against British domination and its initiation in to Gandhian ideals of non-violence,non-cooperation and self depence has been transmuted in to a spiritual experience in the novel.At the end of the novel material gains for kanthpurians are nil.But spiritually they are transformed totally and have become a bold ,politically conscious,spiritually strengthened,and freedom-loving people,and  the references of God ,the immorality of soul and the doctrine of incarnation which age derived from the Bhagavdgita signify the novelists fascination for vedanta.
·      Historical  and  political background:
             The actual historical and political situation of India in the 1930’s provides the background of the story that is narrated in kanthapura. The Indian national congress committee  was already a broadbased political organization that had spreed its branches in the length and and breath of India.Mahatma Gandhi,after his rerun from south Africa ,was already recognized as a leader of national stature who had launched his revolutionary campaigh based on Ahimsa and satyagraha against the British rule.There are recurring references in the novel to important political events of that time,such as the salt satyagraha,the Dandy march of mahatma Gandhi ,the civil disobedience movement,the round table conference ,and the Gandhi –Irwjinpact .Whatever was happening on the political scenein India in those years finds its due reflection in the novel .Characters like Moorthy ,Rangmma ,Ratna and Range gowda are not only aware of what is happening all over India ,but they also take an active part in the rebellion against the British rulers.They subscribe to newspapers,which are read in communal gatherings,and thus the villagers of kanthpura come to know about the great freedom struggle that was at its peak them in the length and breadth of the country .
                The enthusiasm of the people truly reflected actual mood of the nation.To defy the British symbol of oppression ,the villagers go out on  a protest march towards the skeffington coffee Estate to picket the country liquor shop (toddy shop) near it .The following passage ,quoted from the orient paperbacks edition of the surrounding areasnces.To the text will be from the same edition.
                      And we march on and on,winding up the karwar ,road to the kenchamma grove,and  at every step there are com-people and piffed rice and Bengal gram people and Bengal sellers and buttermilk people and betel-leaf people and they stop us and say ,”Take this take this,Mahatma’s men!”

                 There is an oblique reference to the round table conferences in London .When they say that the mahatma will go to the puedman’s country (England) to get them swaraj or self rule.
                The action off kanthpura dates back to the time when the Gandhian ideas fired the imagination of the Indian nation and paved the way for a non-violent revolution against the British rule .Whatever happens at kanthpura was happening everywhere in India .Bade khan is a typical police officer in the service of the British government.He strictly follow the order of his masters to suppress the popular  uprising in the villagers and trample them under their heavy boots .They do not let go of any opportunity to molest their women there is no exaggeration in Rja rao ‘s description of such happenings as thing were ,the same all over India during the freedom movement .To counter the police brutalities, Moorthy advise his followers freedom movement .To counter the police brutalities,Moorthy advises his followers to take recourse to passive resistance in response to a call from Gandhi,but it does not achieve the objective of putting the oppressors to shame .It is an unequal fight,and the main leadership of the movement against the red-man’s rule.K.R.Rao sums up the situation in these words.
      -Moorthy’s release renews the dedication and
                         enthusiasm of the community.The villagers launch on the ‘Don’t touch the government campaign’.Which is succeeded by the ‘no tax campaign’ and other forms of civil disobedience.But it proves an unequal fight and the satyagrahis are mercilessly put down ,and the satyagrahis are mercilessly put down ,and all ends in a terrible attains the valiant struggle attains the dimmensions of a heroic myth. Kanthapura is ‘destroyed,but not defeated.

·       Gandhian Thought and its Impact:
                  Mahatma Gandhi does not figure in kanthpura as a character ,but his invisible presence and the wide impact  of his thought is felt throughout the book .Gandhian philosophy is introduced in to the novel through moorthy,the main protagonist who comes under the influence of Gandhian at a  young age. Moorthy regards Gandhi as a role model and follows him in every way in word and deed .He preaches to the villagers the chief tenets Gandhian philosophy such as to practice ahinsa and speak the truth.He also persudes them to make cotton yarn on the spinning wheel and to wear cloth spun and woven by their own hands .British made foreign clothes are to be discarded and destroyed in bonfires. Moorthy tells him village followers that Gandhi ,says ‘spinning is as purifying as praing ‘ .This creates the image of Gandhi as a mahatma,a great soul and a deeply religious man whom they venerate and whose words they follow as the law .To them ,he is a mighty godly figure who emanates spiritual power that is going to overthrow the British rule in India
          The people of kanthpura and the adjoin areas exhorted in the name of the Mahatma not to drink toddy or liquor in any form.The toddy shop in the neighborhood are picked to prevent sale of liquor .Gandhi’s practice of singing bhajans(hymns) at his prayer meeting is generally appreciated.The people take out prabhat pheries (morning outing) getting up at dawn,gathering at the temple ,and going through the streets in the twilight ,singing religious which Gandhi’s image appears at that of a king of human origin.Here is an example: 
            Our king ,he was born on a wattle                                           mat
             He’s not the king of the velvet bed,
           He’s small and he’s round and he’s 
           bright and . He is sacred,
           O mahatma ,you are our king and we                  are your
And again:
          There’s one Government,sister,
       There’s one Government ,sister,
       And that’s the Government of the Mahatma.

                   The villager proudly declare that they are all for Gandhi;they are Gandhi’s men and will do anything at his command.On several occasions in the novel,thundering slogans are raised to the skies,’Vande Mataram!’ ‘,mahatma Gandhi ki jai!’and ‘Inquilab zindabad’! They invest Gandhi with super-human power but there is one thing about Gandhi’s teachings that the people of kanthpura do not understand .Why should he advise the upper cast Hindus to mingle with the lower caste pariahs to live with them,to eat with them ,and to intermarry with them .They find such behavior so in Mahatma like. some of them like Bhatta and venkamma repeateadly belittle moorthy in the eyes of the others for his ardent followers,that Gandhi want’s people to pluck out hatred from their heart and love even their enemies,Gowda replies,’That’s for the mahatma and you moorthspps-not for us poor folk!’The idea is that Gandhi and moorthy have attained such an ideal height where they can practice whatever they preach but the lesser people can not forget their simple enmities.
                   Gandhi believed in simple living ,and all his life tried to live the life of the ordinary people.But an impressive image of Gandhi's projected in kanthapura ,when he is spoken of in the same breath as some of the gods of the Hindu pantheon.Jayaramachar,the Harikatha man comes to kanthapura  and tells a new kind of tale in which he mingles Hindu Mythology with contemporary politics.He compares Gandhi to lord Siva when he says ,Siva is the three –eyed ,and swaraj too is three –eyed:self-purification ,Hindu –Muslim unity,khaddar.’Mohan going one of the names of Krishna,Gandhi hi’s full name, mohandas karamachand Gandhi gives jayaramachar the idea of paralleling his achievement to that of Krishna .Just as the God as a young boy slay the serpent Kali ,we are told that Gandhi goes from village to village slaying the serpent of foreign,and Gandhi teaches moorthy how to beatrive satyagrahi. The Gandhi myth is finally expressed in these term in kanthpura:

                         -They sat mahatma will go to the red man’s country and he will get us swaraj ,the mahatma .And we all be haooy .And Rama will come back from exit ,and sita will be with him ,for ravna will be slain and sita on his right in a chariot of air ,and brother bharatha will go to master on his head.And as they enter Ayodhya there will be a rain of flowers.
On the fair carts of kanthpura  ,the picture of Rama,Krishna,Sankara and Gandhi are placed side by side.
Summing up his view on kanthapura and Gandhian ,p.dayal writers in Raja rao:

               In material.

Thursday 10 November 2016

paper no 1 Tragic theology in Doctor Faustus God ,Atheism

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Name:Mehta kavita dineshbhai
Cource:M.A English
Semester :1
 Roll  no:18
Submitted to:S.M.T S.B.Gardi  M K bhav. uni
                        Department of English
Email id:
Paper no:1 The Renaissance Literature
Topic: Tragic theology in Doctor Faustus
            “God” Atheism

My assignment’s
               “Doctor Faustus” the tragic history of whole life and death of Doctor Faustus is written by ‘Christopher Marlow’ is one of the remarkable work of literature. Though many scholars call it a morality play there is sufficient evidence that it is basically atheistic. Faustus  a man who sacrifices his immoral soul in exchange for knowledge and power. Marlow presented a mythic, archetypal tale of human pride,sin,and fall from grace that has appealed to  readers and audiences though the humanist aspirations of the renaissance the spiritual exploration of romanticism,and the skepticism of modernity.

Marlow and God : The tragic theology of Doctor Faustus:

                   ‘Doctor Faustus’ in this story based on fall of doctor Faustus and Christianity. How a common man sells his soul to the devil for more power,knowledge and position in his life. A part from Shakespearean drama few Elizabethan plays have been so frequently and thoughtily studied in recent decades as Marlowe Doctor Faustus.Interpretations based on the biographical evidence of marlowe’s atheism are now in disrepute,because scholarly investigation of elizabethan thought and drametic tradition whould convince us of the orthodoxy of Marlowe artistic theme and attitude.
               The eliment of the supernatural in other elizabethan plays are merely literary drawn from folklore and popular superstition and allied to the fantasy of dreams rather than the speculation of philosophy.That marlowe,who established the machiavellaiam hero-villain on the elizabethan stage,could not fix his attention on the petty arena of politics or on the paltry goal of wealth and political sovereignty.We do not arrive at a more just and scholarly interpretation of Docter Faustus by ignoring contemporary opinions about marlowe and by putting aside the ideas attributed to him by contemporary accusers.
             Hungering for immorality in this play ,he trades his hope of salvation for twenty four year of pleasure and profit,but even the terms of this ridiculous bargain are not honored,because he never attains the power or the knowledge which magic promised .He is never more than master of illusion,pranks,and magic shows and who grows enamoredof his own shadpws and who paradied by the silly clown.His thirst for the absolute ignores the alternative path of caution and acceptance which is always open.
One can be saved like the old man ,not doomed like Faustus ,just as one can be an Ismene,not an Antigone,a Horatio,not a Hamlet.The way of survival of the mean is announced and exemplified by the chorus of marlowe’s play which shaken by the skeptical of tragic suffering,moralizes the error of tragic daring.Thus marlowe’s heroes do not cry out like Hamlet and Lear ,against worlds out of ethical joint.Like figures of Greek mythology they hurl the gauntlets of their will and ambition at whatever goods may be.We could confidently speak of Docter Faustus as a cosmic tragedy if its plot sustained the plilosopical magnitude of the opening scenes.Unfortunately,however the great concluding scene seems to lack the intellectual resonances of the first act.The earlier philosophical questioning of human limitationsseems to have no bering on the ultimate drama of faustus spiritual anguish,which seems wholly personal,and emotional and explicable by christian doctrine.
               As an intellectual rebel,Faustus has Mythical significance,as a writing sinner he seems merely anther example of religious depair.The unparelonable sin of daring but scholars insist that Faustus mistaken they would see him as the victim of is own illusion ,not as the sacrifice to a universal order hostile to human greatness.Perhaps the desire to conventionalize the viewpoint of Docter Faustus is an inevitable reaction against earlier attempts to magnify marlowe’s importance as intellectual rebel and phophet.Marloew’s “Philosophy”was felt ,not argued poetic,not intellectual.Thus where Bacon seeks the scientific knowledge that eradicates mysteries and enable man to control of nature which is immeately miraculous and “Divine”.We look in vain in his play  for an appreciation of the enduring qualities of the human spirit,or for those personal relationship which are treasured in the more genuinely humanistic art of his contemporaries.Marlowe’s “Philosophy” is something that might be called “Contempt for world”.
                  Renaissance humanists inherited the ancient saw that all philosophy is learning how to die.For marlowe ,however the crux of philosophyis why men must die.He knows the traditional justification for the ways of God.  But Faustus remarks “Yet art thou still but Faustus and a man” .And to be but a man is of course to be subject to death.In Docter Faustus ,as in Greek Mythology ,man’s primal disobedience is a prometheance impulse.Knowledge enough man even a sinner like oedipus could become like the Gods.Since divine law is necessarily vicious and absurd.
                   Faustus practice medicine without compassion for human suffering and worse still,he would abandon his studies because his fame is already established and the conquest of death eludes him.Incapable of selfless dedication to his studies,he can use the very chop logic he scorns in philosophy to justify his abandoning of theology and his pursuit of black magic.Because he is glutted with self conceit,his altrustic schemes are self aggranding.He dreams of plesure and profit.Fustus may be more innicent at the beginning of the play than at the close ,he is most arrogant.Most scornful of religion before he falls.His fall is a moral education and discovery,during which he is humanized not degreded.If Faustus were obviously lost and corrupted,there would be no final problem of interpretation ,no need to pore over elizabethan sermons and thological treatises to explain why he is not saved.At the last he is surrounded by man who would pray for him and protect him from the devil,but Faustus will not allow them to risk their lives and soul for him .Faustus claims that his doom was seale d by his blashemous defiance of God.Theology denies his clain on the ground that no trespass has irrevocable consequences and no human act is beyond divine pardon.Yet even theology admits that human acts may have irrevocable consequences.

               Grace is Grace,say the reprevocable consequences of measure for measure,despite all controversy.But Grace in Doctor Faustus,is problematical because marlowe would have it so.He could have shown in the last scene a Faustus who is tormented by the legions and the prospect of hell as the absence of God,but Faustus finds the presence of God unbearable.Because he sees ,not the loving father,but the wrathful Jehovah who cast the rebellious angels down to hell.We can of course ,cite theological reason why Faustus must be damned:he lacks faith,he does not belive in God’s redeeming love,he is guilty of sin of despair.We can not argue the theological reasona why Faustus does not merit God’s pty’when the audience is deeply moved,when the old man pities Faustus,and even mephistophilis was touched to momentary compassion.In Docter Faustus his quarrel with christianity continues.The church is still for him a place superstitious rites and false authorities.He coud not imagine ,nor does he imply in Docter Faustus that this supereme and universal power ever assumed man’s inferior shape,contemptible weakness,and mortality.Marlow play’s the role of an antichrist.Unlike the God who become man,Fautus is man who would be god,whowould escape the human condition which christ willingly assumed,and who deliberately seeks the satanic temptation which christ rejected,like christ but without christ’s love ,Faustus has healed the sick’and he now spurns medicine because he can not by it reemact christ’s miracles he dies with a parapharase of the last words on his lips.

             We can say that Faustus despaired because he misconceived the nature of God .But taking a larger perspective on marlowe desaired because he could not imagine a God other than the deity of tamborlaine and Doctor Faustus .Marlowe’s can not forgive God ,but he forgive the old man who bown his head in submission,even as Tamburlaine can forgive those who bow before his dreadful edicts.But this is the “Charity”of satisfied will,not of compassionate love its obverse is thedamnation of Faustus which echoes imaginatively the slaughter of the Damascan virgins in Tamburlaine.
              At the beginning of Doctor Faustus the subline charity of the sacrifice is poised against Faustus consuming egotism,at the close of the play it is poised against the unpitying wrath of God .Thus while the tragic theology of Docter Faustus admits the Incarnation,which is deriden in marlowe’s “atheistic”pronouncements,the Godlike and the christlike remain antithetical,no tragic fortitude daring to wretched impotance ,who cringing before the devil’s physical tormenting is less heroic than the old man.The mean of life over which superman would soar.If we assume that Doctor Faustus composed in the last year of marlowe’s life is a piese of orthodox moralism.It is the horror of the void of loss and impotence humanity experience which is conveyed by Faustus last soliloquy.Recoling from the intellect that be trayed him.Faustus turns from the pursuit of knowledge to the burning of books and to a longing for self annihilation which is perhaps also exemplified in marlowe’s life.

             In material.

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